Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still Alive!!

Oh man was I ever sick last week... I am still a teeny bit run down (so I was secretly glad when it didn't work out for Matt and I to go kickboxing) but definitely better and on the mend. Cheering me up is this picture of Nimoy that looks really emo, plus he was trying to dodge the camera, so his nose looks twice as long as it is. He has a pretty short nose for a dog. The reason I was taking the picture is because he went sniffing around in a bush and came out with a huge branch stuck in his beard. Clearly the branch does not look that big because it is blurry... but it was a cute moment between a girl and her redonkulous dog.

Adding to my jubilant mood is the fact that my last class ever was on Wednesday night, and in two weeks my finals will be over! This is great news. I have hopes and dreams of using the extra time that is freed up by not doing school to study Portuguese and possibly become a great cook. Or at least a more creative cook. Also there are some books I've been wanting to read - the main one is a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that I bought last semester and read about 40 pages of (out of like 600). Also I'm hoping to have more time and energy to hang out with friends and spend time with youth without having to constantly monitor how badly I'm procrastinating and how quickly paper deadlines are arriving. I am almost so free.

As whipped cream and cherries to top the sundae of my delight, Spring is here for reals - still cold in the mornings, still bitterly cold in the wind sometimes, BUT the sun is up by the time I catch the bus to work AND....Crocus flowers!! (what the HECK is the plural of crocus? All the options I came up with look RIDICULOUS) These make my heart happy :)

1 comment:

  1. lol... crocuses. I've been laughing by myself down here at the computer. It's crazy when our brain completely confuses us, isn't it?

    I'm sooooo happy about school being done for you! It has been alot of years! I can make you a celebratory chocolate cheesecake!
